Un poquito de nuestra historia

A bit of our story


  • My mom has worked hard for many years as an Independent Thermomix® Consultant in Mexico

  • I love my mom and wanted to support her

  • Yummy Yummix is a mix of my mom’s passion to cook with Thermomix®, my love for her and our over-enthusiasm when it comes to food!

  • My mom and I are currently working together while cooking together and meeting awesome people like you!

  • We’d love to hear from you! Tell us a bit more about yourself :)

About Us

Hi there!

Welcome to Yummy Yummix! My name is Abi.

If you don’t know me yet, then you might have stumbled upon our site because you have hear of this kitchen appliance called Thermomix® and are a bit curious as to what it is. How much does such a thing cost? What does it do? In which case, let me tell you that you are in the right spot! 

My mom, Irma -or Irmiux, as we sometimes like to call her-  knows perfectly how to answer those and many more questions and this website is designed to help you find what you are looking for!


My mom and I are two lovely Mexican women that do not particularly enjoy cooking as much as we absolutely love to eat! 

In 2016, I moved to Vancouver, Canada where I was surprisingly exposed for the first time to a wildly delicious variety of cuisines such as authentic Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. And where I dived little by little in the digital marketing industry. 

My mom, still in Mexico, works as an Independent Thermomix Consultant, and spends her days cooking for my dad, her friends, and multiple referrals interested in seeing this kitchen appliance in action!

Thermomix® changed our lives in ways I wouldn’t have ever imagined. 

I know that sounds like an overstatement but, hear me out. I’m going to get bluntly vulnerable with you and tell you a bit about our story. 

(Brace yourself or skip to TLDR)

I believe it was 2008 or 2009, when my mom attended a “Thermomix® Demo” at one of her friends’ house and saw all that this small kitchen appliance could do. There was only one problem, one little tiny bit of a problem: the incredible Thermomix was also incredibly expensive and at that time our family was in no capacity to afford it.

But, buying it wasn’t the only option to owning a Thermomix®, there was also EARNING it! So, my mom signed up as a Presentadora Independiente little knowing that this would become our household’s main source of income (sometimes in good and bad times) for many years to come. 

My mom is strong and brave, and has been such a fortitude for our family! I’ve seen her go through lots of challenges, always working hard and hanging on to faith. Her courage and resilience are a constant inspiration and I’ve always dreamed of “paying her back” for all that she's done for us.

However, how could I? How do you even do that? I don’t want to wait until I “make a lot of money” to help her retire. So, I decided to start supporting her TODAY, with whatever I can. So, I bought my own Thermomix® and since I happen to have recently learned how to create a website, I made this one for her! And here you are in our “ABOUT US” page!

In this website, besides our little story here, you will find answers to some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) about Thermomix ®, useful tips, as well as recipes and access to our weekly cook-along, that we hope you can attend sometime!

But, enough about us! How are you doing? Tell us a little bit about yourself, we’d love to hear from you!


Abi & Irmiux

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